Category Archives: Uncategorized

IBM Cognos: XQE-JDB-0004 A problem occurred finding the driver class “”.

When you are trying to test the connection to the DB2 database from Cognos configuration and you are getting this error message: XQE-JDB-0004 A problem occurred finding the driver class “”. This error cause because the Cognos cannot find the DB2 drivers. Solution of this problem is simple. You have to copy files db2jcc.jar and… Read More »

DataStage: 64bit version of DataStage with 64bit Oracle Database on Windows

If you are trying to connect DataStage 64bit on Windows to Oracle Database 64bit you probably get error message like this:

I assume that you have done all prerequisites like set up the environment variables etc. More about prerequisites for Oracle connector in DataStage V11.3 you can find here This error message you… Read More »

Datastage: APT_Communicator::connectTo: connect() failed due to Unix error = 10,061

If you are getting the error message while running the job:

You have to follow these steps to fix the issue: You must ensure that you have in hosts file these two entries

Next step is try if this commands working fine

Set the parameter $APT_USE_IPV4 in DataStage project to True (1) Open… Read More »

How to cleanup old Datasets in DataStage automatically

This is a procedure useful not only for DataStage environment. Often you need to delete old logs periodically in order to save disk space. But especially in DataStage, which lacks automatic datasets cleanup is handy to delete old datasets. These may originate from your DataStage Dataset stages, or as a temporary resource from Lookup stage… Read More »