DataStage Oracle connector error: The variable bInvalidDateTime has value 1

By | 16. 9. 2014

If you encounter an error The variable bInvalidDateTime has value 1 while running your job containing output Oracle stage, it is most likely caused by non-date value inserted to date column in target database.

In case you want to ignore this error and insert a NULL instead of non-valid date (or timestamp), there is a simple solution: add new environment variable CC_ORA_INVALID_DATETIME_ACTION and set it to NULL value (it is essential to not mistake project and environment variables):

  • Open Job properties (or use shortcut Ctrl + J)
  • Select Parameters tab
  • Click Add new Environment variable
  • Add new variable called CC_ORA_INVALID_DATETIME_ACTION, enter any prompt value
  • Add newly created variable to your project
  • On Parameters tab input NULL as Default value for newly added $CC_ORA_INVALID_DATETIME_ACTION

And done! Now all your non-valid dates should be replaced by NULLs in target database.



One thought on “DataStage Oracle connector error: The variable bInvalidDateTime has value 1

  1. Miguel Angel Quevedo Pazzi

    I’m having trouble trying to insert records since a table field uses a reserved word

    How can I rename this word in when inserting records

    Oracle_Connector_18: Exception thrown from CC_OraStatement::executeInsert, file CC_OraStatement.cpp, line 2079: The OCI function OCIStmtExecute returned status -1. Error code: 1747, Error message: ORA-01747: invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification.


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